Self Disclosure!!

Behind the mask

So I’ve written a few posts so far and I haven’t been completely honest. Although I do have a degree with the words Psychology in the name. I won’t say that I’m even close to understanding people or what motivates them. In my earlier posts I eluded that posts are based on the thoughts that I have. I haven’t however been completely honest about where those thoughts have come from, I haven’t been pulling them out of the air. The truth is that I’m Christian and many of my thoughts come form my daily or weekly conversations with god. I’m sure I will probably loose some of my audience, and that’s ok. I started writing because my thoughts seemed to have helped people in my personal life. 

As I’ve already mentioned in my earlier posts, I’m learning more about me and what I have to offer to the world. Through my faith and reading other blogs, I’m starting to feel like I’m on to something. It’s been really exciting to see what thoughts come to mind, and how others react to what I write. As I said earlier my thought’s aren’t all original, most of what I write about comes from the topic from church that week. What’s been exciting is that even when I write just based on what’s on my mind, later that week we’ll still cover the same topic in church, so talk about divine intervention!

So why am I disclosing this? My faith and my walk with god has never been about judging, or pointing out what others are doing wrong. It’s more about living a life that will inspire and encourage others. You’ll probably see mention of Religion or spirituality in my writing, but it’s more about how you can apply these thoughts to your life. Rather than convert people to my faith, I’m more focused on helping you navigate your life, and bringing more perspectives into your life. For those that read this far the good news is that this is probably the last time you’ll hear me mention my religion. I thought I’d offer a bit of self-disclosure, you take the time to read my writing, so the least I can do is tell you my motivation for doing this. 

Thank you again for reading my post today. Now for why I’m actually sitting here writing today!!

One thought on “Self Disclosure!!

  1. I fully agree with you, human mind is a complicated place to fully fathom and understand. What drives and motivates humans, even eludes us as humans. Fortunate are people who fully even understand themselves. Thanks for sharing your own motivations 🙂

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